Malpensa Airport Information

Malpensa Airport General Information
We supply full details on banking, VAT refund and currency exchange facilities at Malpensa Airport in terminals 1 and 2, the VIP lounges, chemist, post office, left luggage facilities, what to do about lost luggage or lost property as well as information on the tourist offices and churches based at Milan Malpensa Airport.
Terminal 2 is mainly used by the low cost airlines.
Just click on the relevant terminal to find out all you need to know to make your journey through Malpensa Airport as easy as possible.
Walking is the fastest way of transferring between gate areas at Malpensa Airport. If you are connecting from an international to a domestic flight you will need to pass through customs before proceeding to your departure gate.
It takes approximately 15 minutes to walk the length of Gate A and approximately 25 minutes to walk between Gates A and B.
Lost property at the airport may be reported:
- Using the online form. PleaseĀ click here to complete.
- By fax to (+39) 02 74863018 giving a description of the item, the date and place of loss, your own name and phone number and e-mail address if any.
- TRhe airport contact you if the item is found to arrange for collection.
Note: If you lose an item onboard the aircraft, contact the airline directly.